Birmingham and Pro Pro Teams

If any of the readers are like me, a good ole Bama Grown boy, you’ve probably asked yourself the same question. Why don’t we have any pro teams? And I mean pro pro teams, like at the pinnacle, the big brands (NFL, NBA, NHL, etc.) Don’t get me wrong we have pro teams ie. the Bulls and Legion and formally the Iron with addition of the Pelicans and Barons. But what is keeping the Ham from having THE Pros? I believe there are a few factors that contribute to Bama’s lack of Pro teams.
One of the first factors that jumps out to me is the state and its infrastructure as a whole. Now before I dive in, completely in defense, Birmingham has taken great leaps and bounds to prep for the World Games that were originally slated for 2021 to help said infrastructure issues. Also I believe anyone who lives in the state will agree ( or maybe I’m just such a homer, born and raised in pretty much Birmingham) But I truly believe that Alabama is hands down one of the top states around. Solely contributing in the biodiversity and what the state has to offer. The only thing we lack is in snow which we get once every bout 10ish years. Put all the defenses to the side. That leaves you with a bottom tier of ranking in the entire united states of 49 out of 50. Thank you Mississippi. With our highest ranking coming in at 23rd and that is out of fiscal stability or aka government income stability. If you look at our neighbors (with Pro teams) Georgia ranks 17th nationally. With Tennessee ranking 30th. And if you want to claim Florida ranking in 13th. How can Birmingham reach our neighbors? It has to start with the infrastructure and how to build Birmingham. The way that they fixed the flow of traffic and the interstate is just the beginning. Now comes the standard roads. Travel down any street in Birmingham and you’re going to run over a pot hole that’s so violent it will make you turn your radio down. This goes for the whole Metro Area. They have to make it commuter friendly with plenty of parking. Birmingham has the pockets of areas, Lakeview, Avondale, Southside, 5 Points where are all places to gather and have a good time. To watch other sporting events. The True test will come with the completion of the Protective Stadium and the numbers that UAB can pull to there.
The other issue Birmingham has is attendance. It’s the reason Alabama gave to kill football. We as a community have to show that we will support our teams. We have to create a home field advantages no matter the sport. Its a baffling site once compared to the fact that Birmingham year in and year out is the leader of consuming college football. We’ve got to translate that into creating home fields in all realms. Now I know we have die hards in every sport. With probably Legion and the Magic City Brigade having the most true and loyal of all the Birmingham Fandoms. But that’s what also has to change the passive fandomness. We also need a league that invests in us not to go under within the first years of ownership. (cough cough any of the NFL competitors) You pair all of that with the continuing growing Birmingham and you’ve got yourself a recipe to maybe finally having sustainable Pro Pro teams. Or let a native Alabamain get rich enough and bring all of our Pro dreams true.